103 Citizens Join the Power Partners 4 Peace Movement, Including Westbury Councilmember Viviana Russell, to Improve Police/Community Relations, Reduce the Heroin Crisis, and Gun & Gang Violence in Nassau County with a focus on Westbury, Uniondale, Freeport, Hempstead, and Roosevelt
Post Event Meetings with Westbury Community Leaders, Youth and Gang Members Helped Shape an Action Plan To Improve Public and School Safety
In an all out effort to improve conditions for children, youth and young adults the 1st annual “Back 2 School” BBQ 4 Peace was held at the hot Worthy Footwear & Apparel store in Westbury, Nassau County. The Litt action packed event was a huge success and will be used as a platform to improve conditions for young citizens in Westbury and other towns. There was plenty of free food and give-a-ways including School Notebooks, T-Shirts and the Hot Hip-Hop Books to name a few. The world famous “Power Tent” was in the house coordinating a host of games and contests, giving away shirts, gifts and free Palmer’s Cocoa Butter.
In addition, there was the “Power Raffle” with prizes such as Nike Sneakers, Tickets to Concerts, Amusement Parks and the Made In America Festival. There was also a Dance Contest, vendors, and the Power Partners 4 Peace initiative, which signed 103 citizens that are ready to give back and help improve the Westbury community. There is nothing more important than getting young citizens to step up to the plate and take responsibility for their community. This was a Win/Win for all.
The music for the day was off the charts as not one, not two, but three D.J.s litt up the event. DJ TJ, the top female DJ in the game today, rocked the outside crowd as she mixed hit after hit off her sweet fingertips. Inside the building holding it down was DJ Sharpshoota and Power 105.1’s DJ First Choice as they took care of business and moved the crowd with their arsenal of blazing hits. To top off the day hot and rising Atlantic Recording Artist Young M.A, who is blowing up the charts, came out to meet & greet her fans posing for pictures, talking about community issues and supporting our overall work to end Gun & Gang Violence.
Said Young M.A “I’m out here today to support my fans and the first annual Back 2 School BBQ 4 Peace. I’m all about the community so if there is anything I can do to make this ‘Hood tight you got my support because nothing is more important than education and the safety of our youth.”

Randy Fisher, Neekee West, Manny Singh, Charles Fisher, Mrs. Singh hold up HOT SHIRTS given to participants
All too often Long Island youth are neglected, but after three years of talks with Nassau County Elected Officials, Business and Community Leaders, Students, Residents, and Gang Members, that is about to change thanks to the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council and their Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Project, Power 105.1, Worthy Footwear & Apparel, Video Music Box, N.C. Executive Edward Mangano, N.C. District Attorney Madeline Singas, John Sarcone of the N.C. Community Development Agency, Maggie Malito of N.C. Youth Services and a host of elected officials.
Said Councilmember Viviana Russell “There are a lot of good things going on today and we need to do this more often for our kids. I’m looking forward to working with Manny, Charles and Randy Fisher and Power 105.1 to bring the necessary resources to my district to make my community even safer for our children and seniors. It all starts with a commitment from local residents, community and business leaders and from what I see today, I think we are making a good start.”

Manny Singh (CEO of Worthy Apparel), Councilmember Viviana Russell, Randy & Charles Fisher, Neekee West (publicist)
“I’m looking forward to getting even more involved with community projects and the schools, not just in Westbury, but all throughout Long Island and New York City. I know the importance of giving back to young people and by working with the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council, Power 105.1, Councilmember Vivianna Russell and the County Executive Ed Mangano, we are going to do great things in the future,” ended Manny Singh, owner, Worthy Footwear & Apparel.
“This was a terrific start and we are looking forward to working with my man Manny, the CEO of Worthy Footwear & Apparel, and Councilmember Viviana Russell to bring resources and celebrities to schools and community centers in Westbury and throughout Long Island. It’s not that often that you can get the attention of a small business man who is ready to put his money and where his mouth is and give back towards local causes. There is nothing wrong with making money, but you have to also consider those that are less fortunate and Manny has shown us time and time again that he is real, socially responsible and committed to empower the communities that surround his stores,” ended Randy Fisher, Executive Director, Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council.
“We have spent a lot of time on Long Island over the last 5 years and Manny has shown that he is committed to empower the communities where he does business. It is business owners like Manny that help keep crime down and the public safe from gangs, guns and drugs. I want to thank him for partnering with us and Power 105.1 to coordinate the 1st Annual BBQ 4 Peace and we are looking forward to working with citizens like Manny, who are WORTHY of wearing the crown for peace, social justice and economic equality. At the end of the day when you spend money at Worthy’s, it definitely goes back into the community. This is a formula missing in most poor and disadvantaged communities and a concept we have to bring back to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood. Through our Power Partners 4 Peace initiative we are looking for young citizens WORTHY enough to help us address the Heroin Crisis, academic decline, and gun and gang violence, so if you want to be a part of the solution and not the problem please give us a call or just sign up at any Worthy Footwear & Apparel store on Long Island or NYC,” ended Charles Fisher, Founder, Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council.
Said DJ TJ, “I’m so excited about working with the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council and Power 105.1 to put an end to gun and gang violence. Too many young people are being killed every day and I strongly believe that Hip-Hop can be used as a positive tool to help stop the violence. As a young DJ who has been spinning for years I have been waiting for the opportunity to put my DJ and social skills to work for a good cause and now I have found a home to put my talent to good use.”
“I want to give a special shout out to Young M.A for coming out to Long Island to support the Back 2 School BBQ 4 Peace. Most artists have no time for the Strong Island community, but she took the time out on a Sunday to be a part of our anti-gun and gang violence movement. Over the years I have met a lot of celebrities and I have to say she is the truth. She kept it real with me. I felt the vibe and it wasn’t fake. I hope in the future we can do more things in the community to end gun & gang violence because she has that special voice that commands respect and the youth will listen to her message of stop the violence and don’t do Heroin. That is what we need to save the next generation” ended Sharieff “The Fitness Sheriff” Fisher, Director, Special Projects, Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council.