Veterans Honored By Nassau C.E. Ed Mangano With “Eternal Flame” At Newly Renovated Coliseum

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Hip-Hop Community To Partner With Veterans To Address Youth & Veteran Issues

Since 1972 plenty of Stars have performed or visited Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, but on Saturday, April 8, 2017 the Real Stars came out to shine—our Military men and women.  This elite group was on hand for a special Ceremony to unveil the “Eternal Flame” surrounded by the Eternity Pool set within a simple, yet dramatic form with water flowing through and down a dark granite oval.  All of this was created to pay tribute to the nation’s Military Veterans for their commitment to our nation.  The warm dedication took place outside the newly renovated arena, now known as Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum presented by New York Community Bank.  Veteran color guards and the 42nd Infantry Division Band were on hand during the ceremony.  The event was hosted in grand style by WBAB Morning Radio Show Host Roger Luce.

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Louis Dileo, Bill Harms, Paul Masi, Leonard Goldstein, Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment, Keith Rooney, Manager, National Grid, Andrew Kaplan, Executive Vice President of Retail Products and Services at New York Community Bank

Local dignitaries and veteran organizations in attendance included: American Veterans from Long Island; local veteran organization’s color guards; Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment; Keith Rooney of National Grid; Andrew Kaplan of New York Community Bank; Frank Colon, Jr., President of United Veterans Organization of Nassau County; The 42nd Infantry Division Band; UVO Military Chaplain Leonard Goldstein; FSO Louis DiLeo, Vocalist, United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Band. 

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WBAB Morning Radio Show host Roger Luce, Nassau C.E. Ed Mangano, Keith Rooney and Brett Yormark

“My administration made certain that the name – Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum – would forever remain at the arena and renewed our commitment to our nation’s hometown heroes by constructing a respectful Monument on the plaza,” said Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano.  “This Monument and its eternal flame represent our country’s eternal gratefulness to our veterans for their service and dedication to our nation. Together with the Chairs of Honor within the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, this venue truly pays tribute to our veterans.”

The Nassau Coliseum has had “Veterans” in its name since it opened in 1972, but until now, the primary tribute to veterans was only a plaque on a boulder.  This dedication gives the name real meaning and displays the importance of being a patriot for the greatest nation on earth.  Young citizens have to know that “Freedom is not Free.”  Many brave men and women have died over the years so that our democracy can thrive and be a beacon of light for the world.  Over the years our veterans have made the necessary sacrifice to ensure our status as global leaders of the free world remain intact.

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Veterans, Nassau C.E. Ed Mangano, Keith Rooney and Brett Yormark pay tribute to Eternal Flame in support of our Military Men & Women

“I had to come out here today to support the veterans that have given their lives to ensure that I and the many young citizen we service have a future in a free society.  I’m looking forward to getting more involved with Veteran groups willing to educate our students about the importance of military service and what it means to be a Solider in the greatest military in the world.  Our proposed Hip-Hop Education & Performing Arts Center (HE-PAC) will provide a platform to service Veteran groups throughout the County.  We are presently working with the Fort Hamilton Military Retiree Council and look forward to serving the Vets and their families here on Long Island as well,” said Charles Fisher, Founder, Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council (HHSYC).

Said Randy Fisher, Executive Director of the HHSYC, “Nassau County Executive Mangano was on hand and over the years his continued support for military veterans has inspired me to get more involved with veteran initiatives.  His outstanding work to provide 60 affordable houses over at Mitchel Field is a beautiful thing see.  The 2-story, 3 bedroom homes are one of the best kept secrets on the Island and the project should be duplicated nationwide.  The Pilot is a shining example of what we as a nation should really be doing to support those who have risked their lives to make sure we have one of our own.  I applaud the County Executive’s work and urge others, especially our youth, to follow his lead when it comes to providing homes, services and respect for our vets.”

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Opening salute by the Veterans

“We are proud to share this moment and monument with the veterans of Long Island,” said Bruce Ratner, Executive Chairman of Forest City Ratner Companies.  “We built this memorial to demonstrate our thanks for what our veterans have so selflessly given to protect this nation and our freedoms.  Our commitment to our troops and our thanks are eternal.”

“We are proud to unveil the Veteran’s Memorial, which pays tribute to those who have served in our nation’s armed forces,” said Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment.  “In the Coliseum’s redevelopment, we made it a priority to honor its storied history, which first and foremost includes the brave men and women for whom the venue is named for.  To all veterans, we thank you for your service.”

“We are honored to light the Veteran’s Memorial Eternal flame in honor of all our veterans,” said Ken Daly, President of National Grid New York.  “The memorial will serve as a reminder of our unending support to veterans and their contributions to our country.  Our support of the flame and the natural gas lamps that surround it reflects the esteem with which we hold our veterans who work here at National Grid and in the Long Island communities that we proudly serve.”

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Eternal Flame was created in recognition and support of our Veterans

“By bringing together top notch financial services and world-class entertainment, NYCB is taking a leadership role ensuring Long Island becomes an even greater place to live, work and play,” said Andrew Kaplan, Executive Vice President of Retail Products and Services at NYCB.  “For a long time we have enthusiastically supported our veterans, and NYCB is especially proud that this partnership provides a lasting tribute to Long Islanders who have served our country.”

Written by Charles and Randy Fisher.

For further info please hit us up at or Twitter/Facebook/Instagram @HHSYC.


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