In case you are robbed and directed to withdraw funds from the ATM Please Read & Pass ON
The recent tragedy of a young woman being kidnapped and eventually killed; after she had repeatedly given the kidnapper a wrong PIN to her ATM card. If she knew the method below, she could have been saved. So I
think it is important enough to let you know. Here you go.
If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse. For example, if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321.
The ATM recognizes that your pin number is backward from the ATM card you placed in the machine. The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to the robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you with your situation.
For more information please contact
Written by Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher (@HHSYC).