Check out the PSA here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I13_CBMPCE
For immediate release, for info contact 917-567-9294.
The Video Will Be Launched On The New HHSYC Website Designed To Provide A Better Smart Phone Experience With A Host Of New Opportunities For Student And Community Empowerment
To Support This Call To Action, Other Celebrities Will Follow So We Can Use Their Influence And Social Media Power To Educate Students And Young Adults About The Dangers Of The Coronavirus

New York, NY — April 20, 2020—In an effort to put an end to the Coronavirus the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council (HHSYC) launched the COVID-19 Celebrity “Call To Action” Initiative with “The People’s Shark” Daymond John leading the way with a LIT PSA that will better prepare students and young adults on how to “Win The War” on COVID-19. The organization is now looking for other celebrities to “Join The Team To Beat COVID-19” by producing their own PSA; Education and/or Motivational Video; Print Material; Interview; Online or Remote Appearance; or any other activity that will help us defeat the “Mark of the Beast.” The Virus is killing hundreds of citizens daily and unless we come up with a viable plan for testing, the death toll will continue to increase.
Said Charles Fisher, Founder of the HHSYC “We love our celebrities and executives and need them now more than ever to be socially responsible and help us flatten the curve so we can return to normal. If everyone chips in what ever time and resources they have we will save a lot of lives and get to the other side of the curve much quicker. Let’s not forget that men are dying at a much higher rate than women so guys we really need you step up to the plate to “Defeat the Beast.”

The PSA will be launched on the new long-awaited HHSYC website created to provide a friendlier “Smart Phone Experience” for the younger generation. As we know most activities today are conducted by phone so it is important for Websites to conform with the norm. In order to beat this Pandemic we must pursue every way possible to reduce the spread of the Virus. To support the PSA Series H-CAP will be working with The “Fitness Sheriff,” who has a 9-Point Plan that offers Holistic Healing Techniques for those who contracted the virus, in addition to showing citizens how to properly protect themselves from the Mark of the Beast.
Through our research and the CDC the best way to protect yourself from Covid-19 is to have a STRONG IMMUNE SYTEM. The virus preys on the old, those with a Compromised Immune System and underlying health conditions. The 9-Point plan includes valuable information on the importance of: Masks, Shields, Social Distancing, Shelter in Place, Washing Hands, Cleaning Food & Clothes, Diet, Exercise and Spiritual Enlightenment and Lifestyle Changes.
Citizens, with the support of celebrities and government, must do all they can to flatten the curve because we are living in uncharted waters. None of us living today has ever experienced a “Global Pandemic” that has devastated the entire planet. They say we will not have a cure for 12-18 months. That only means more pain, sickness and death to both the young and the old. COVID-19 does not discriminate when it comes to age or race, even though Blacks, Hispanics and Men have been hit the hardest. The CDC says this is because they lack Quality Healthcare, which leads to a compromised immune system.

We must get our young people and celebrities engaged in the fight because you are either “Part of the Solution of Part of the Problem.” Until we find a vaccine or drug that works we are going to be in this fight for a long time. Things will not be the same for quite a while, not just here in the U.S., but all over the world. After we solve the health crisis, we have to address the economic and educational problems which are important for us to have a productive and flourishing government.
“Things are rough out there for a lot of people, so whatever I can do to educate and save lives you can count on me to do my part. It’s important that you stay safe, take the virus seriously and Unite in the Fight against COVID-19.” ended “The People’s Shark” Daymond John.

Said Charles Fisher “Once again, I want to thank Daymond for stepping up to the plate as a socially responsible citizen and doing his part to enlighten our students and young adults about the virus through our COVID-19 Celebrity “Call To Action” initiative which uses the influence of the stars and their Social Media to Unite in the Fight against COVID-19. Recently we linked with Jamaica and Queens Hospitals to provide Doctors and Nurses with Food and PPE so we can continue to support those on the front line of the war. They are the real heroes in this fight.”

“Only by listening to the Rules and Following the Rules can we “Win the War” on COVID-19. It’s my hope that other celebrities will get involved with this initiative so we can speed up the recovery of our country and get back to a normal. Right now things are rough for our students and young citizens and will get even tougher until we all are tested and find a cure. Launching the PSA and our new website, which we worked on for 6 months, will give us another valuable tool along with our HHSYC App to beat the virus. I want to give a very special thanks to Veltson Bastien and Amber X Media for the time and effort they put into building our new site,” ended Randy Fisher, Executive Director, HHSYC.
Said The “Fitness Sheriff” “It is no secret that celebrities have a lot of influence on our youth. That is why we need them to reinforce our message of how to stay safe and how they can help us “Win The War” on COVID-19. Losing weight, Staying in Shape and having a strong immune system is the preventive way to beat the virus. For more info on my 9-Point Plan, which includes “Immune System Empowerment”, hit me up so I can arm you with the tools to do battle with COVID-19.”
Written by Charles Fisher, edited by Randy Fisher. For more information on H-CAP or the COVID-19 Celebrity “Call To Action” initiative contact us at: HCAPHELP@gmail.com.